Serene LED Background Lights
Serene LED Background Lights
Serene ColorCast Smart Background LED Light 18"
Bring your aquarium to life with stunning depth and vibrant color fades. ColorCast Background lights combine the brilliance of color-changing LED lighting with a custom glass film background, casting your choice of stunning colors onto the back of your aquarium....
Serene Background Light Kit 24" to 36"
See beyond a static color background and add dramatic depth where additional fades and shades make all the difference. Not only will it change the way you view your aquarium, it enhances the ambiance of any room. Take full advantage...
Serene Background Light Kit 36" to 48"
See beyond a static color background and add dramatic depth where additional fades and shades make all the difference. Not only will it change the way you view your aquarium, it enhances the ambiance of any room. Take full advantage...
Serene Background Light Kit 48" to 60"
See beyond a static color background and add dramatic depth where additional fades and shades make all the difference. Not only will it change the way you view your aquarium, it enhances the ambiance of any room. Take full advantage...
Serene Background Light Kit 72"
See beyond a static color background and add dramatic depth where additional fades and shades make all the difference. Not only will it change the way you view your aquarium, it enhances the ambiance of any room. Take full advantage...